The history of the Apollinaris spring makes interesting reading: Georg Kreuzberg discovered it in his vineyard in Bad Neuenahr on the west, or left, side of the River Rhine in 1851 after he found that some of his vines were growing poorly or had died and that this was due to the escape of carbon dioxide (CO2).21 He was very curious about this and had several shafts sunk to explore its origin. In 1852, at 50 feet, one shaft hit upon a strongly gushing spring which was naturally carbonated. After many difficulties, when the spring had been capped and provided with adequate equipment Georg Kreuzberg began a mineral water business. In two decades a yearly turnover of just under two million bottles was reached. This was later surpassed. The name ‘Apollinaris’ was chosen because a small chapel dedicated to St Apollinaris of Ravenna, stood below the vineyard near the Brunnen or spring.21