Thursday 19th January 2012
BARG's Winter Quarterly Open Meeting took place at 7.30pm in the De Vitre Room, The Cornerstone, Norreys Ave, Wokingham. The meeting included a talk on "Early Roman Quarrying and building stone use in south-east England" by Dr Kevin Haywood. After the coffeee/tea break Trevor Ottlewski showed slides from a visit in the summer to the excavation at Beeches Manor, Wokingham.
Wednesday 15th February 2012
BARG members attended an evening on "Recognising humanly struck flint" between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at Barkham, including the opportunity to make their own flint implements.
Thursday 15th March 2012
BARG's Spring Quarterly Open Meeting took place at 7.30pm in the De Vitre Room, The Cornerstone, Norreys Ave, Wokingham. The meeting included a talk by Dr Louise Loe of Oxford Archaeology on "Uncovering the fallen: The excavation and analysis of WWI mass graves, Fromelles, France".
Saturday 21st April 2012
BARG members took part in a workshop on Timber-framed buildings from 10am to 4pm at Barkham, with Trevor Ottlewski. The course included two lectures and an afternoon walking tour of buildings in Wokingham.
Saturday 12th May 2012
A Geophysics Practical Day for BARG members was held at Barkham with Andy Payne from English Heritage's Remote Sensing Team. Two training sessions covered the the use of a gradiometer and a resistivity meter.
Thursday 14th June 2012
BARG's summer Quarterly Open Meeting and 2012 AGM took place at 7.30pm in the De Vitre Room, The Cornerstone, Norreys Ave, Wokingham. The meeting bgean with a talk entitled "A view from the finds tray: recent finds from Silchester Insula IX" by Elise Fraser, Finds Manager for Reading University's Silchester Insula IX excavations. After the coffee/tea break the Group's formal AGM took place.
Saturday 21st July 2012
The Abingdon-on-Thames Town walk took place at 10am, led by Jackie Smith, lasting about two hours. After lunch attendees had free time to explore the town on their own, including the museum and Abbey buildings.
Thursday 2nd August 2012
The BARG annual visit to the Insula IX excavations at Silchester took place at 11am.
Saturday 29th September 2012
Amedieval pottery workshop with Lorraine Mepham of Wessex Archaeology took place at Barkham.
Wednesday 3rd October 2012
BARG's Autumn Quarterly Meeting took place at Room 3, RISC, London road, Reading. The meetign included a talk by Mike Green and Nancy Nichols of the South Oxfordshire Archaeology Group (SOAG) on recent SOAG projects including the excavation of the Gatehampton Roman villa and the lost medieval church at Bix Gibwyn. After the refreshments break Trevor Ottlewski gave a talk on Ashridge: its manor, farm and lost park.