18. Other German stoneware found in Barkham

Apollinaris was a late-comer to the exportation process from Germany however, for earlier German stoneware had crossed the English Channel into Britain from the 15th century.

The parish is 45 miles west by river from the Port of London, one of the known ports of entry for German stoneware and about 58 miles north-east overland from the south coast port of Southampton which was another. It is also six miles from a well-established market at Reading which lies beside the River Thames the link by river to London. A few sherds from a small range of German stoneware jugs or mugs were also found here in the ancient village of Barkham (see fig. 26), some in our garden. These comprised one of the earliest imports from Raeren (now in Belgium) dating to the 15th-16th century (one of three found in the parish), one from Cologne, four from Frechen (17th century) and four from fieldwalking in the parish from the Westerwald, which are very distinctive and date from the 18th century.

Fig. 26 Examples of German stoneware sherds found in Barkham. (a) body sherd of Raeren drinking vessel of C15/16 from garden of The Bailiff's Cottage; (b) base sherd of Frechen stoneware c. AD 1700, from LP1400 B3 pond area; (c) two sherds of 18th century Westerwald stoneware from fieldwalking.