1. PRICE, Bernard 1982 The Arthur Negus Guide to English Pottery and Porcelain Hamlyn, London, New York Sydney and Toronto
2. WIELANDT, Ulf 1980 Mineralwasserkrüge aus dem Rheinland Köln Rhein. Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz
3. HURST, John G (1927-2003) formerly Assistant Chief Inspector at RCHME, [now Historic England] who pioneered the archaeological study of medieval and later ceramics in Europe, especially the cross-channel stoneware trade based on his detailed knowledge of the distribution of Rhenish stoneware imports around the British Isles (see note 13 below). He travelled from Great Casterton, Rutland to see our assemblage of Apollinaris bottles in 1996.
4. The Schedule for the Marriage Settlement beween John Leveson Gower Esq and Miss C.G.E Mitchell dated 18th April 1825, B.R.O. D/EW1 T10 (document 4)
5. BRO D/EW1 T10 (Document 20/21) A Schedule of Deeds relating to an estate at Barkham belonging to John Walter Esq. M.P. called Barkham Manor
6. English Censuses 1871 to 1911 The National Archives via Ancestry.co.uk
7. FRENCH, David and FIRTH, Janet 2000 Barkham a History, Barkham, Berkshire
8. Berkshire Record Office, Barkham Marriages D/P13/1/7
9. GAIMSTER, David 1997 German Stoneware 1200-1900 Archaeology and Cultural History, British Museum, London
10. NIENHAUS, H 1981 Mineraalwaterkruiken van grès met zoutglazuur bron- en fabrikantenmerken in Antiek 15 No. 9, Lochem, The Netherlands
11. NIENHAUS, Heinz 1982 September, Alte Tonkrüge mit Brunnensiegel und Herstellerzeichen für den historischen Mineralwasserversand in Der Mineralbrunnen
12. MacGREGOR, Neil 2014 Germany, Memories of a Nation British Museum, BBC Radio 4 and Allen Books
13. HEDGES, John currently Pattern and Mouldshop Manager, Oak Ridge, New Jersey, USA
14. NIENHAUS, H 1980 Mineraalwaterkruiken van grès met zoutglazuur en de daarop voorkomende bronmerken in Antiek 14 No. 9, Lochem, The Netherlands
15. BRINKMANN, Bernd 1984 Der Mineralwasserversand in Steinzeugflaschen Der Mineralbrunnen issue 3
17. LETSCHERT, Peter 1997 in a private letter, of Der Schlondes, Antik, Keramik & Kuntstandwerk, Ransbach-Baumbach, Germany
18. MEPHAM, Lorraine, Wessex Archaeology, Portway House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 6EB, England
19. http://www.mineralwasserkruege.homepage.t-online.de/
20. GREEN, Chris 1999 John Dwight’s Fulham Pottery Excavations 1971-79 English Heritage Archaeological Report 6, London
21. Author not known, 1952 Apollinaris 1852-1952 a centennial publication, Bad Neuenahr, Germany
22. SCOTT, J W R 1950 The Story of the Pall Mall Gazette Oxford University Press, London
23. Author not known, 1902 George Smith, A Memoir, with some pages of autobiography, for private circulation
24.The Trade Marks Journal, 14th June 1976 The National Archives, London